Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I know I said I would be consistent here, but as usual, I have flopped at that. Just so that I didn't overwhelm myself, this space is officially a diary. So, if you are reading this - lol. You will only be reading about my life in its ups and downs.

Down to the catch-up.
A lot has happened this year, 2023! By a lot, I really mean a lot.
The good part is I increased my list of talents by getting certified in a few skills - for updates, your baby girl, asides from being a graduate marketer, hairstylist and agriculture enthusiast, I am now a certified lash tech & brow artist. I am a certified Dermatologist, too! I am studying to become a certified cosmetologist. I have written and published 6 e-books, and as of this morning, I got a scholarship to study digital marketing and get an internationally recognised certificate!

I know this is exciting on paper, but not so much in reality. The reality is that I wake up at 7 am, do a little bit of chores, bathe my baby, feed him and get to work. I work and study concurrently while being a mum, too, running around and all of that; when it baby finally sleeps, I cannot sleep because when my morning shift ends, I bury myself in my studies until he wakes, and I have to work, study and mum again - concurrently. Then keep up with work till 9 pm when my evening shift ends, and then I have to try to put my baby to sleep, then study some more till 12 when I finally go to bed, waking up two times at 2 and at 4 to feed my baby before it's finally sleep till 7 am. And the cycle repeats!

Typing this now is my way to relax my brain since I can hear my heart beating through my brain, and it feels like my eyes are about to pop out!
I am tired, frustrated and confused!

I am stressed as fuck! But I have to keep pushing! I am still in Lagos with my parents because things haven't been great enough for me to go home to Port Harcourt. I feel drained, but I keep pushing because I am compensating myself with the thoughts that it is all temporary and will work out for my good.

Anyways! Enough of my tired rants.
How are things with you? 

Monday, December 19, 2022


Busy multitasking woman mom

Photo Credit: Vectorstock.com

I know I said that I was going to blog every day, but I am realizing now that it is just a spur of the moment, that time you get that rush that you can do anything and do it all, yeah! I couldn't. It was harder than I envisioned. 

I have been doing a lot of things though, and that takes away my attention from blogging, however, now that I am blogging, I feel like I am just making excuses because 15 minutes of my time would not have been a big deal, that is why I am a woman yeah? I can multitask, yeah?

Are women really great at multi-tasking because it's in our DNA or is just great at it because we have been told that we are -so that we can take on multiple tasks without complaining? Think about it. We will talk about that one later.

Becoming a woman is one of the greatest transitions that any young lady will face. It is becoming an embodiment of responsibility in a broader sense of things.

Over the years we have seen a usual pattern where every female child is sent on multiple errands at once, and if she complains of having to do too much at once, she is told "Don't you know you are a woman", as if to suggest that being a woman means being drowned in mountains of things to do.

This mindset has not only made a young girl, from a very little age, be shaped into handling too many responsibilities because it is only right "as a woman".

Anyway, enough seriousness and a little tap on my back.

Why am I writing about multitasking?  

It's been on my mind all week and to move forward, I have to talk about it. Remember this blog is a diary/thought pad.

These past weeks have been me multi-tasking. 

I have been reading more, applying for jobs more, trying to apply for scholarships for my master's, and applying the regular way. Either way, we must leave this country.

I have taken up another language lesson on Duolingo, this time, it is German. Ja! (That means Yes!🤓).

You may wonder why I am studying that. Let me give you all a tip!

You see, Germany brought this new visa, it is called an opportunity card, and it is working on a point-based system. Where they give 4 points, get 3 out of the 4 points and you are qualified for the Visa. The visa gives you a 6 to 9 months opportunity to move to Germany and get a job! If you get a job within that time frame, your visa is then changed to a work permit visa. Thereafter you can bring your family over.

So the 4 points include:
• Have a degree
• Have at least 3 years of working experience in any job 
• Be fluent up to level B1 in German or have lived in Germany previously
• Must be below 35 years of age.

To get a better opportunity, know the combination you can use, so why not get my chances higher and get all 4? Thus why I am studying German, plus I have a thing for languages😌

Asides from that, I have been volunteering at my mother's maternity clinic, and the primary health care center. I want to get certified in midwifery and child care, so I can apply for Australia's 482 visa sponsorship.

Do you know that you can relocate to Australia free of charge? With your family!
You just need a job offer with visa sponsorship. I will tell you about it next time.

Anyways, this has been me, mixing working, learning, job search, relocation move, and taking care of a baby in my day-to-day!

Power of a jobless multi-tasking woman I guess!

See you next time! Tschüss!!! (That means bye! By the way🤓)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Starting Over

Photo credit is on the photo okay? (Shutterstock)

It is 2:55 pm, November 19th, 2022.

After having an extensive conversation with my sister, I have decided for the umpteenth time and the first time too, to take my life by force.
I have a new responsibility so I can no longer be selfish with my time and every other thing that I have been selfish with in the past that has not gotten me prepared for where I am right now.

If you saw my previous post, you would have seen me complain about the fact that I AM BROKE.
Now, however, I am saying it with pride because I am about to change that one way or another.

So to start with, I have skills, lots of them, let us list them out, shall we?
•I am a good writer
•I am a good artist - I draw
•I am a good hairdresser
•I am good at knitting.
• I have great vocals.

Academic qualifications,
•Graduated second class lower division in marketing from the University of Port Harcourt
•Graduated from computer school with vast knowledge of Microsoft Office tools.
•Great knowledge of using editing apps - graduated from the school of search engines and YouTube.

What are my experiences?
•I have experience in hotel management
•I have been a freelancer for a long time in content writing and proofreading.

What am I going to do with all this?
I do not know YET.

But what am I doing now?
•Researching from scratch.
So this is what we would be working with.
•Online courses to improve our CV (I would list the courses I take and the site I take them on as I go)
•Linked In
•My new training on microblading
•More research...

We will improve ourselves together, like I said, you are my accountability coach...

Walk with me, let's go!

My New Beginning

This is not how I saw this blog at all.
I envisioned something like this blog being an interesting and interactive kind of blog, maybe it still would be, I do not know.
But for now, she, Yes I mean SHE- will serve as my track and motivation space.

No need for an additional introduction, but I will briefly point out why this blog is about to be what she is about to be.

I am a new mum with 12k in my account and a 4-month-old son. I feel like I am not being as productive as I should be, I also feel like I am not the first woman to have a child in the circumstance I did and I also know that being a mother fresh out of the university could be a start of something great- including in my finances because I do not care about anything else other than taking care of my child comfortably.

So why is this blog going to be my track and motivation,
Because I am tired of sitting and wondering what I can do with myself to make ends meet and I am stepping into the productive mindset that I can make things work, thanks to my real-life motivator - my sister. 

So this is me, starting from my scratch, with 12k cash and a book and pen in front of me, trying to start my life on a clean slate.
Reading, researching doing what I can online to improve myself.

What would be my goal?
To have no money problems by the time my son is 1 year old.
To be comfortable with the woman I became

What would be my line of action?
Do the work - however way it goes.

Like my sister said - Do not relent, chill, and do not think too much.
So here is to be DOING and THINKING LESS!

What is your interest now in this blog?
I do not know,
Be my accountability chief?
Grow with me, because I will be spilling what works and what doesn't, what I did and what I did not do. 

Overall, like I said this was not my plan for the blog, but then I always need a place to rant, complain and celebrate, and what best than a place where the memories of today would last till whenever?

Walk with me... Let's go!

Monday, September 5, 2022


I honestly spent a good fifteen hours debating with myself on what my first blog post on this blog should be about. Majorly because I know the first set of viewers or readers would be people who already know me.

I thought about going with the good old style of Introducing myself, who I am, why I am blogging, what this blog will be about, Blogging goals and the likes of that... I no get power.

With time, you will find out that I am a lazy writer. I have great writing Ideas, my writing skill is above average, I have the time and the resources needed to successfully write a story and I always have a lot to talk about, my Instagram and WhatsApp family will know this fact because my status update always has a story, But! You will also find out that I am worth every wait time it may take for me to put up a story.

For the sake of those who do not know me, a brief introduction would be ideal.

My Name is Okafor Rosita Chidinma - Call me Nma. Recent graduate - B.Sc Marketng from the University of Port Harcourt. I am a fun loving introvert, so most of the 'fun' is online, I enjoy singing, meeting new friends, reading, writing - obviously. I am creative, practical and adventurous. I am from Anambra state, Nigeria. I am the first daughter and second child out of three children. I am a new mum to a beautiful 2 month old son.

I started this blog for a number of reasons.

1) A few friends and readers of my previous blogs and whatsapp and instagram followers that often engage in my posts, asked me to consider starting my blog again, so, here we are!

2) Writing is my passion and I've noticed I let good write ups go to waste most times because I don't write what I think about on time and when I finally decide to write them - I do not think of them as beautifully as I initially did - so consider this blog to be my thought's note.

With that in mind, know that you are literally going to be reading my thoughts always. Whatever I think about THAT WILL BE INTERESTING AND USEFUL AND FUN, Here is the place to see them.

The name - The Talkative Girl, doesn't literally translate to the fact that I am talkative, In reality, I probably am not. But in my head? Trust me, the name is well deserved. So, The Talkative Girl is born from the idea of how loud my thoughts can be and how talkative they truly are.

I will of course still be active on my WhatsApp status, which you can join in on, just click on this link and introduce yourself, I will save your number. And also connect with me on Instagram by clicking on this link.

I plan to post everything from milestones with motherhood, to my every experience with life, family, friends. Just life in general. And every once in a while, expect conversation features with my friends and the community I hope to build.

So, finally, here we are, and If you are reading this blog post, 

Welcome to The Talkative Girl - Where you are about to experience Rosita 2.0! 

She is worth it, I guarantee you that much!!! 


I know I said I would be consistent here, but as usual, I have flopped at that. Just so that I didn't overwhelm myself, this space is of...